Elijah Schaffer
News • Politics • Culture
For the politically incorrect who want the blunt truth about everything happening in the world with tons of humor, tactful sarcasm, hard to swallow facts, and of course, in a signature slightly offensive style
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Noticers of Freedom - Grower Gang

This song was created just for all of you, the S.O.Bs!


Hey mon,
did you know
Slightly Offensive has amazing S O B's?

What do you mean by S O B's mon?

I am talking about the
Slightly Offensive Backers mon.
You don't know about them?
Well listen up good mon!
Because they are amazing!

[Verse 1]
In the glow of the screen, they gather,
Noticers of the world, they stand together.
Elijah's voice, like a beacon, they heed,
Slightly Offensive, it’s all they need.

They are the lovers of freedom, hear them sing,
In the discord chat, their voices ring.
Subscribed to the truth on Censored.TV,
Supporting on Locals, that's where they'll be.

From corners far, where minds are keen,
On every word, on every scene.
The Backers' eyes, so sharp, so bright,
Noticing wrongs, and setting them right.

They are the lovers of freedom, hear them sing,
In the discord chat, their voices ring.
Subscribed to the truth on Censored.TV,
Supporting on Locals, that's where they'll be.



We have to SUPPORT Mel Gibson’s film Sound of Freedom EXPOSING child trafficking

Hollywood refuses to promote this new movie. Let’s support this true story in theaters July 4th #SOFMovie

Dorian Snuck Up on Me

Bro ain’t messing. Acting like Jordan Neely out here. Michael Cluckson impersonator won’t fool me. GTFO of here!


Oh my wow. Any way you twist it—this is not healthy and it's not good for the individual or the society. Despite what places such as Cosmopolitan magazine, which not too long ago literally featured morbidly obese cover models with the caption, "this is HEALTHY," has to say about it!

This is NOT healthy. It is NOT a lifestyle that is going provide longevity for any of them. It is NOT going to make anything in life easier, but a ton of things will be harder! It is NOT a lifestyle to put up upon a pedestal and praise as something good. It is NOT good to be morbidly obese. Period. It's in the name.

I don't know, with all the microplastics, phalates, and various other chemicals regularly used in foods, and all the unhealthy cheap food options available, HOW people CAN get back to being fit and eating healthy as a society.

Is it too late? Are we going to end up like the people in Wall-E? Gosh, I hope not!

It starts with YOU! Start by taking a 10-minute walk every day. Maybe start a 30-day squat...

post photo preview

Before you vote:
☆Fill up your gas tank
☆Pay your electric bill
☆Buy weekly groceries
☆Pay your car insurance
☆Pay your rent
☆Go out to eat

Your pocketbook alone will remind you why you can't vote to keep Kamala in power. She's not fixing it now [while she's in power] because she's part of the problematic cause.

Let's change that flat tire, y'all! 🇺🇸❤️💙💪🏼

Vice President Kamala Harris hypocritically politicizes President Trump's visit to Arlington Cemetery at the request of Gold Star families for the anniversary of the catastrophic pullout from Afghanistan, shaming his actions as a photo opp, while ignoring her own invitation to pay her respects to the fallen soldiers who died because of her administration's bad decisions. Gold Star Families speak out.


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