Elijah Schaffer
News • Politics • Culture
For the politically incorrect who want the blunt truth about everything happening in the world with tons of humor, tactful sarcasm, hard to swallow facts, and of course, in a signature slightly offensive style
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Are you not able to post the full Ron Unz episode here behind the paywall? Feels kind of bad to have to subscribe to another network....

Also, from what we're able to see on Rumble, it sounds like the exact same playback run against Russia/Putin w.r.t. Ukraine over the last decade

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Noticers of Freedom - Grower Gang

This song was created just for all of you, the S.O.Bs!


Hey mon,
did you know
Slightly Offensive has amazing S O B's?

What do you mean by S O B's mon?

I am talking about the
Slightly Offensive Backers mon.
You don't know about them?
Well listen up good mon!
Because they are amazing!

[Verse 1]
In the glow of the screen, they gather,
Noticers of the world, they stand together.
Elijah's voice, like a beacon, they heed,
Slightly Offensive, it’s all they need.

They are the lovers of freedom, hear them sing,
In the discord chat, their voices ring.
Subscribed to the truth on Censored.TV,
Supporting on Locals, that's where they'll be.

From corners far, where minds are keen,
On every word, on every scene.
The Backers' eyes, so sharp, so bright,
Noticing wrongs, and setting them right.

They are the lovers of freedom, hear them sing,
In the discord chat, their voices ring.
Subscribed to the truth on Censored.TV,
Supporting on Locals, that's where they'll be.



We have to SUPPORT Mel Gibson’s film Sound of Freedom EXPOSING child trafficking

Hollywood refuses to promote this new movie. Let’s support this true story in theaters July 4th #SOFMovie

Dorian Snuck Up on Me

Bro ain’t messing. Acting like Jordan Neely out here. Michael Cluckson impersonator won’t fool me. GTFO of here!

post photo preview

Can I get an invite to the discord?


No show for tonight, we will be back LIVE on Wednesday with DAVE LANDAU!

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